1. Reputation Aegis
  2. Review Page
  3. Monday, 25 September 2017

Reputation CRM fully respects ISO/DIS 20488 - Online consumer reviews -- Principles and requirements for their collection, moderation and publication

In section 7 of the ISO Standard, compliance requirements for the Publication Process get detailed. The default display requirement to comply with the standard is:

7.1.2 The default display
The review administrator should ensure that the default display of reviews consists of a submission date: a chronological display from the most recent to the oldest based on the submission date.

That is why, when a user first gets to the Review Page, reviews are ordered by DATE descending (last review displayed first).

When you feature a review in Reputation Control, it only gets displayed at the top of the Review Page if the user clicks or taps the Pinned button:

For detailed instructions on how to pin reviews, please read: How to feature reviews at the top of the Review Page?

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