1. Reputation Aegis
  2. Other FAQs
  3. Sunday, 23 July 2017

The platform offers 12 different channels to increase customer feedback collection. In the 2 infographics below, find out why a review gets VERIFIED CUSTOMER status and why some don't make it!


The first 6 channels to collect reviews are presented below.
The reviews collected from the 6 channels are not getting the VERIFIED CUSTOMER status because we have no certain way to know if the review was left by a real customer.
Of course, when the platform collects reviews which are not marked as VERIFIED CUSTOMER, the moderation team knows that they need to be extra careful! We give special attention to non verified customer reviews: each review is human read to decide if the review makes it to the review page or not based on the Terms of service and other factors we collect when the review comes in.


There are 6 channels to collect reviews that display the VERIFIED CUSTOMER logo.
The reviews collected from the 6 channels presented below are marked with the VERIFIED CUSTOMER status because we know they originate from actions performed by the business to invite their customers to leave a review, or when using the check-in form by an action performed by the customer.

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